International Women’s Day; Strong and Soft

3 min readMar 8, 2023


Happy International Women’s Day!

To all the women out there doing strong things and breaking barriers, we see you, and we commend your boldness and courageous act towards being a better Woman in the society.

But, we are not only celebrating the strong ones amidst us but we are also extending grace to the soft ones, the ones that don’t feel sufficient enough, the ones who feel like their voices are being unheard, the ones who over-thinks themselves into depression, the ones who feel like Life isn’t fair towards them, the one battling issues and sicknesses, the ones who feel neglected by people, the ones who think they are not achieving so much. The one who is being treated badly by society because of a stereotype. The sad ones. The ones who don’t have it all figured out. The ones who do not know how to navigate through life as a woman.

Who is a woman?

How should a woman behave?

So many questions like these are common among people as they feel that a woman is supposed to be what they think in their head. Truth is so many people arrive with their own opinion of how a woman should be and how they should act, how they should eat and so many other things but they don’t understand that personal opinions on subjects like this do not eventually reveal the truth of the matter, because everyone comes up with “their own” opinion not the maker’s.

To know who a woman is and what she was made for, we need to look through the lens of God. To know who a woman is, is to start with one who made her.

We all know the popular adage that says that “ if the purpose of a thing isn’t known, abuse is inevitable” we can’t know who the purpose of a woman based off what we feel or think she should be. A woman was made in the image of God. Male and Female created he them. Be it far from me that a day comes that I’d regret being made a female.

A woman is more than the body, she’s more than the physical features that makes her body up. She’s a wonder. Only if we could catch a glimpse of how beautiful the Lord made women, then we’d be awed at the creation of Women.

Gladys Alyward, the small woman from China once talked about how she had two great sorrows as a child and the two were because her friends had golden hairs while hers was black, and she stopped growing at four feet, ten inches tall while her other friends kept growing. But arriving at the city where God called her to be a missionary, she realized that while standing on the altar to preach, all of them had black hair, and they had stopped growing when she did and she said “ Lord God, you know what you’re doing”.

So, no matter what you look like; Chubby, Slim, Curvy, Short, Tall. The Lord loves you like that and you’re perfect the way you are. The Lord knows what he’s doing. He knows what he wants to do that’s why you were created a Woman.

Every Woman is powerful and unique in the way she was created. Satan often comes to steal away our joy by constantly reminding us about how inadequate and deficient we are in some areas. Comparison has been one of the factors that rob us of our joy as women. Do not let your Joy be stolen today.


This is me celebrating every woman out there! You’re loved by God and he wants you to know your worth and value in him. He loves you and cares for his daughter. Do not let anything hinder your relationship with him.

Happy International Women's Day 🎉❤️

Love, Teju.❤️




Just a Yoruba girl that loves Amala and Fashion. I like to write a lot- the only outlet i am comfortable with.